After graduating in Architecture from Milan Polytechnic, Paolo moved to Venice for the Master in Digital Architecture at IUAV. He came to Paris in 2015 and spent tree years working with ArtefactoryLab on 3D architectural representation. Paolo joined Lan in October 2018 and is part of the 3D Departement.

Laure studied architecture at ENSA Bretagne and ENSA Paris La Villette in France, and at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. During her studies she has worked for NP2F and then for different agencies: Jacques Ferrier Architecture, ANMA (Nicolas Michelin & Associés), Manuelle Gautrand Architecture, Moreau Kusunoki Architects. She joined LAN in January 2018 and is part of the team in charge of the redevelopment of the Grand Palais.

Giovanna studied architecture in Italy at the Politecnico di Milano. After her graduation, she worked for one year in Italy, before moving to Paris. Giovanna joined LAN in October 2006.

Dorothée completed her studies in the Architecture School of Nancy (ENSAN). After few years in Nancy, she collaborated with Marc Mimram in Paris. Then, she joined LAN's team in February 2013, where she first workded on competition. At the moment, she is working on Le Maillon Theater, and on the Fire-rescue center of Rennes.

After studying law, art history and management, Alysée entered the art market world working at Sotheby's and Christie's before working in galleries in France and Italy. She joined LAN in 2015 to take care of the administrative and financial management of the agency, as well as the human ressources.

Philippe holds a diploma from the Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture in Paris, Philippe Pelletier started his career as an architect at the Lablaude (architect of Hictoric Buildings). He has then collaborated with several agencies including the studio Grumbach. In 2010, he joined LAN to drive the construction sites of the Gymnase in Chelles and differents Housing units programme in Paris (Fréquel, Saussure). Philippe is currently in charge of the site supervision of the Student Residence in Saclay, a mixed-used programme in Nantes and the minimum security prison in Nanterre.

Marco obtained his degree in architecture at the Univeristé Roma Tre in 2016 and his professional accreditation in 2017. After a first internship in Paris in 2015, he returned to France in 2017. After 5 years of experience in CAAU and Fresh Architecture, he joined the LAN team in February 2022.

Bianca graduated in April 2022. During her years in Italy, she collected several professional experiences and internships in Milanese architecture studios, among them squels Baukuh and Fabio Novembre Studio. Bianca joined LAN in May 2022.

- Allison Jang (CA)
- Joana Lazarova (BG)
- Madeleine Slaney (CA)
- Cécile Adjemian (FR)
- Francesca Adorni (IT)
- Ester Viola Adriano (IT)
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- Artur Almeida (PT)
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- Filippo Bosco IT
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- Fabien Catalano (FR)
- Nathalie Cautenet (FR)
- Alice Cavicchi (IT)
- Guillaume Celante (FR)
- Paolo Ceresatto (IT)
- Edward Chapon (FR)
- Gabriel Chareton (FR)
- Grégoire Château (FR)
- Hadi Cherrak (LB)
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- Marta Chicon Pérez (ES)
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- Hans Daroczi (FR)
- Isabel De Jaureguizar (ES)
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- Aure Delaroière (FR)
- Domingo Delaroière Stoch (MX)
- Anne-Sophie Delaveau (FR)
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- Christopher Pierre Louis Dessus (FR)
- Laura Di Credico (IT)
- Fabiana Doré (IT)
- Félicien Drevon (FR)
- Alice Dufourmantelle (FR)
- Tiphaine Dugast (FR)
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- Jennifer Durand (FR)
- Thibault Durque (FR)
- Grégoire Durrens (FR)
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- Venezia Ferret (FR)
- Ilaria Festa (IT)
- Katie Filek (CA)
- Lorenzo Filippi (IT)
- Tifenn Fleck (FR)
- Gregory Fleuriet / Brunswick Arts (FR)
- Isabella Flore (IT)
- Isabella Flore (IT)
- Joshua Florquin (BE)
- Paolo Fortini (IT)
- Maxime Foster (FR)
- Maria Garcia (ES)
- Pier Luigi Gerace IT
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- Natalia Giannakopoulou (GR)
- Rebecca Girardi (IT)
- Florian Giroguy (FR)
- Elsa Glass (FR)
- Audrey Gobillot (FR)
- Anna Gołdanowska (PL)
- Flavio Graviglia (IT)
- Silvia Gronchi (IT)
- Fabien Grousset (FR)
- Andrea Guazzieri (IT)
- Manon Guéguen (FR)
- Luigi Guerini (IT)
- Luigi Guerini (IT)
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- Julien Guillaume (FR)
- Andras Gyoker (HU)
- Anaïs Herr (FR)
- Erica Indiveri (IT)
- Susanna Ivaldo (IT)
- Benoit Jallon (FR)
- François-Xavier Jamin (FR)
- Gwenaëlle Janik (FR)
- Benjamin Jaoui (FR)
- Jean Kalindjian (FR)
- Yong Il Kim (KO)
- Laure Kovalski (FR)
- Pauline Labarthe (FR)
- Alexandra Lacombe (FR)
- Lina Lagerström (SE)
- Aurélie Langeard (FR)
- Marco Lavit Nicora (IT)
- Anaïs Le Gallou (FR)
- Christophe Leblond (FR)
- Mathilde Lebreton (FR)
- Mathieu Lebrun (FR)
- Arthur Legrain (FR)
- Elsa Lherm Delorme (FR)
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- Guillem Lopez (FR)
- Anne-Cécile Lorgeroux (FR)
- Miguel Andreu Lozano (ES)
- Styles Lucy (CH)
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- Katja Majcen (SI)
- Ahmed Mansouri (TN)
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- Marlène Manuguerra (FR)
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- Alessio Marino (IT)
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- Philippe Pelletier (FR)
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- Christopher Phiphak (FR)
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- Marco Proietti (IT)
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- Basile Truffault (FR)
- Jennifer Tu-Anh Phan (CA)
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- Zaari Zarishelli Melendez (US)
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